This summer, I bought a color that I was absolutely obsessed with, but alas, it was a fall color and I couldn't use it. So I finally used it yesterday, and it looked reeeeeally cool. But problem. It's matte. I have no matte top coat. I can't use a topcoat. It chips. Crap. So I use this stuff I bought a few weeks ago to try with it called Seche something or another, and it's a matte "nail treatment," not topcoat. So on top of the Revlon Matte Suede in Emerald City (which they totally stole from Sally Hansen...and the Wizard of Oz...) I put this matte stuff. And now I hate it. I'm really mad. The first picture is with flash, the second is without. I wish I didn't put that on top, but oh wells, you never know. I might put another coat of the polish on tomorrow, since it'll be even more chippy. But I reallllly love the color. 
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