Sunday, August 21, 2011

Two Easy Bracelets

 I'm trying something new by putting the pictures on the left and typing over here...I hope this ends up like I intended. Anyhow, I just made some bracelets this morning. I'm REALLY bad at making jewelry that doesn't involve metal, so these will probably break really soon and the rhinestone one doesn't fit at all.

Supplies for Turquoise Bracelet (all bought at Michael's):
-Turquoise-looking round beads
-Wooden beads 
-Small clear bead
-Stretchy cord
The wooden beads I bought were weird, so I had to saw them into three beads. I cut a length of that clear stretchy stuff to make the bracelet and tied the clear bead onto it to prevent the others from falling off. Then I just strung the beads on and tied a million knots at the end with the hopes that it wouldn't break. Which it will, at some point.

Here's a picture without flash. 

I'm not even going to try to explain how I made the rhinestone bracelet, I didn't even do it right haha. It's way too small because I never measure anything like I'm supposed to. And my camera was dead, so I couldn't take pictures of the process. So here's what I got my inspiration from:

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Nail Art #8- Dots!

 The polishes I used.
I started with a really crappy thick base coat of white which has now developed tiny bubbles because I was impatient and applied it badly. Then I used my teeny paintbrush to add circles and added even tinier dots all around the larger dots. I got too impatient and didn't clean them up before posting..oh wells.

Nail Art #7- Bolts

This was super easy so I won't even explain much. All I did was draw a thick stripe of purple, then a thick stripe of blue. After all that dried, I drew a thin lightning bolt shape in silver. I went back later on and extended the blue so it looked better...that doesn't make sense but I can't explain it any better than that haha.